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The Magic Word is Acceleration: Empowering Sales Teams with CLM

The Magic Word is Acceleration: Empowering Sales Teams with CLM

The Magic Word is Acceleration: Empowering Sales Teams with CLMCassie Pless
VP of Sales

As the VP of Sales at Lexion, my team and I spend a lot of time talking with legal teams about the benefits of Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM). 

Naturally, we talk about how a CLM could streamline contract processes and reduce operational risks. But we also talk about how a CLM could improve their organization’s profitability by shortening deal times. Which, of course, as a sales leader, might just be my favorite benefit. 

And these conversations aren't just theoretical for us; they're grounded in our daily experiences as a sales team that uses Lexion’s CLM to accelerate our own sales cycle.

In this blog, I’ll cover why getting Sales to rally around CLM is a win for Legal, share some tips for getting Sales excited about CLM, and give you real-world examples of how my sales team has benefited from a CLM.

Let’s dive in!

Why Sales + CLM = Success

A CLM benefits Sales by quickly and securely moving them from contract to closure. (And let's be honest: fast, low-risk deals are what keep the lights on.) 

Helping Sales understand that supporting the purchase and adoption of a CLM will positively impact their revenue goals is a win-win. Sales gets what they need to meet and exceed quota, and Legal gets to demonstrate (yet again) how they're a key player in the company’s future success.

What's more, when a sales team gets behind the adoption of a CLM, it sends a strong message across the board. It showcases how a CLM can have a significant impact on the overall financial health of an organization and encourages other departments—like Finance and Procurement—to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of efficiency across the company.

But here’s the real heart of the matter: when Sales and Legal come together around our CLM, it highlights a key point: that managing contracts efficiently is a team sport. It’s not only about Legal dotting i's and crossing t's.

How We Get Sales Excited About CLM

Sales can become your greatest ally in securing organizational buy-in for a new CLM or boosting the adoption of your existing system. 

To share the benefits of CLM with your sales team effectively, it's vital to:

  1. Speak their language: Emphasize how CLM aligns with key sales goals, using tangible examples and metrics.
  2. Show, don't just tell: Provide concrete instances where CLM has simplified processes, making its advantages clear and tangible.
  3. Highlight ease and integration: Stress CLM's seamless integration with tools they're already leveraging today.

Benefits My Team Has Experienced Using a CLM

I want to share a few of the benefits that Lexion’s own sales team has experienced using our CLM: speedier deals, crystal-clear transparency, and a tighter bond with our legal team. By sharing, I hope I’ll arm you with powerful examples you can use with your sales team to get them excited about adopting a CLM.

  • Immediate access to executed contracts: Gone are the days of waiting on Legal to pull executed contracts. Our CLM ensures executed documents are readily accessible, so my sales team can act swiftly and capitalize on opportunities without delay.
  • Efficient approval processes: What once lingered for days now wraps up in mere hours. Our CLM's streamlined approval workflows cut through the internal red tape, allowing my team to focus more on closing deals and less on procedural delays.
  • Seamless integration: Lexion’s CLM fits like a glove with the tools our sales team already relies on, enhancing productivity without adding complexity. This seamless integration ensures that adopting our CLM enhances, rather than disrupts, existing sales workflows.
  • Empowered by transparency: Real-time visibility into the status of contracts has been a game-changer. This transparency ensures that my sales team is always informed and ready to move forward with confidence at each step of the deal process.

Learn How Lexion Accelerates Sales

Lexion’s CLM offers a pathway to faster deal closures and greater efficiency. Our AI-powered platform integrates smoothly into your sales process, ensuring professionalism and quickness in your initial engagements. 

If you’re ready to enhance your contract processes and elevate every interaction, book a demo today. Discover the Lexion difference, where speed meets efficiency.


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